Chapter 2. System Overview
Top Panel
Power: ON indicates that power is on and OFF indicates that power is off.
LAN1/LAN2: OFF indicates no connection, ON indicates connection and BLINKING indicates transmitting data.
WLAN: ON indicates system is ready.
2.3System Requirement and Preparation
A computer is needed to configure NP725 via its web management interface. After completing hardware installation, the administrator can configure the NP725 via web browser with JavaScript enabled, such as Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or Internet Explorer version 6.0 and the above.
The default LAN IP address of NP725 is listed as following:
IP Address:
Subnet mask:
If the IP address of the administrator’s PC is not assigned via DHCP, then a static IP address assigned to the administrator’s computer within the same subnet as NP725 is needed. The following listed Address as examples: IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Note: Please refer to LEDs of the switch hub to verify the wired connection of both sides. After NP725's network configuration completes, please switch back the original settings to fit the real network environment.