Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router with Phone Adapter WGR826V
Note: If you change the LAN IP address of the router while connected through the browser, you will be disconnected. You must then open a new connection to the new IP address and log in again.
Using the Router as a DHCP server
By default, the router will function as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, allowing it to assign IP, DNS server, and default gateway addresses to all computers connected to the router's LAN. The assigned default gateway address is the LAN address of the router. IP addresses will be assigned to the attached computers from a pool of addresses specified in this menu. Each pool address is tested before it is assigned to avoid duplicate addresses on the LAN.
For most applications, the default DHCP and TCP/IP settings of the router are satisfactory. See “IP Configuration by DHCP” on page
If another device on your network will be the DHCP server, or if you will manually configure the network settings of all of your computers, clear the ‘Use router as DHCP server’ check box. Otherwise, leave it checked.
Specify the pool of IP addresses to be assigned by setting the Starting IP Address and Ending IP Address. These addresses should be part of the same IP address subnet as the router’s LAN IP address. Using the default addressing scheme, you should define a range between and, although you may wish to save part of the range for devices with fixed addresses.
The router will deliver the following parameters to any LAN device that requests DHCP:
•An IP Address from the range you have defined
•Subnet Mask
•Gateway IP Address (the router’s LAN IP address)
•Primary DNS Server (if you entered a Primary DNS address in the Basic Settings menu; otherwise, the router’s LAN IP address)
•Secondary DNS Server (if you entered a Secondary DNS address in the Basic Settings menu
Setting Up Advanced Router Configurations |