12.1.4C13 DAMPING (SEA)
Damping of indicated boat speed through the water. Controls the response time of speed changes.
To change damping, press SET.
To select damping level, press PLUS and select from:
d0 (Min) to d9 (max).
To store the value, press SET.
Default value is (d0), for use in calm sea. But if the sea is rough, you may want to ”stabilise” the readout on the display, then select (d1) to (d9).
Note! Damping is set separately for each instrument.
12.2C20, calibration of depth
12.2.1C20 (RET)
To return to normal mode, press SET.
12.2.2C21 (Unit m)
Unit for depth. Metre (m), feet (Ft) or fathoms (FA).
12.2.3C22 ( - 00.0 ADJ)
Calibration of the depth transducer position.
This option is used to select whether the displayed water depth is measured from the water level or the keel.
To measure from the keel, use the minus ( - ) sign.
Example: ( - 01.2 ADJ). The distance from the transducer to the keel is 1.2 m
To measure from the water surface, use the underlining character ( _ ) sign.
Example: ( _ 00.4 ADJ). The distance from the transducer to the water surface is 0.4 m.
The selected value will be subtracted or added from the measured depth.
12.2.4C23 (Unit°C)
Unit for temperature. Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F).
12.2.5C24 (0°C TMP)
Value for compensation of the temperature.
To add, use underlining character ( _ ) ahead of the digit ( _1 TMP).
To subtract, use minus character ( - ) ahead of the digit
12.2.6C25 (Unit hPA)
Future function. Unit for air pressure. Hecto Pascal (hPa) or Inch HG (INH).