Nikon COOLPIXS60BK, COOLPIXS60RED Movie Menu, Movie Options and Maximum Movie Length and Frames


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The Movie Menu

CMovie Options and Maximum Movie Length and Frames


Internal memory

Memory card

(approx.20 MB)

(256 MB)


JTV movie 640P

20 s

3 min 40 s

(default setting)



LSmall size 320P

40 s

7 min 20 s

SSmall size 320

1 min 19 s

14 min 30 s

y Time-lapse movieP

239 frames

1,800 frames per movie







*All figures are approximate. Maximum movie length or frames varies with make of memory card. The maximum file size for movies is 2 GB. Even if the memory card has a capacity greater than 4 GB, the camera displays the maximum movie length for the file size of 2 GB.

DMore Information

See “Image/Sound File and Folder Names” (A 151) for more information.



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Nikon COOLPIXS60BK, COOLPIXS60RED, COOLPIXS60PNK user manual Movie Menu, Movie Options and Maximum Movie Length and Frames