Nikon COOLPIXS60BK Playing Voice Memos, Deleting Voice Memos, Tap Pto listen to the voice memo


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Voice Memos: Recording and Playback

Playing Voice Memos

Pictures for which voice memos have been recorded are indicated with pin fullframe playback mode.

1Select the desired picture from full- frame playback mode (A28) and tap z.

The retouch menu is displayed.

If zis not displayed in full-frame playback mode, tap b.

1 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 0 8 1 5 3 0


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2Tap E.

The voice memo playback screen will be displayed.


More on

3Tap Pto listen to the voice memo.

Playback ends when Qis tapped.

Tap Dduring playback to display the volume menu and adjust speaker volume.

When cis tapped before playback, a new recording starts and the current voice memo will be overwritten.



Tap dbefore or after playing a voice memo to return to full-frame playback mode.

Deleting Voice Memos

When qis tapped in the voice memo playback screen, a confirmation dialog will be displayed. Tap Yes to delete only the voice memo. To exit without deleting the voice memo, tap No.

BVoice Memos


When a picture with a voice memo attached is deleted, both the picture and its voice memo are deleted.

This camera cannot be used to attach voice memos to pictures taken with another make or model of camera.


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Nikon COOLPIXS60BK, COOLPIXS60RED user manual Playing Voice Memos, Deleting Voice Memos, Tap Pto listen to the voice memo