Nikon COOLPIXS60PNK Sorting Favorite Pictures Favorite Pictures Mode, Sorting/Playback Procedure


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Sorting Favorite Pictures (Favorite Pictures Mode)

Pictures can be added to the favorites folder sorted by each event such as travel or wedding. Once pictures are added to the favorites folder, only pictures in the selected folder can be played back. One picture can be added to multiple folders.

Sorting/Playback Procedure

Prepare favorites folders (A 74).

Sort pictures to favorites folders (A 75).

Sort pictures to a favorites folder in list by date and auto sort modes (A 77).

Playback the pictures added to favorites folder (A 78).

More on Playback


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Nikon COOLPIXS60PNK, COOLPIXS60RED user manual Sorting Favorite Pictures Favorite Pictures Mode, Sorting/Playback Procedure