Nikon COOLPIXS60RED Sorting Pictures to Favorites Folders, Tap R, Select the desired picture


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Sorting Favorite Pictures (Favorite Pictures Mode)

Sorting Pictures to Favorites Folders

Sort pictures to a favorites folder to make it easier to find favorite pictures.

1Tap nin the thumbnail display

(A52) to display the sort menu, and then tap g.

The favorites folders are displayed.

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2Tap the folder to which pictures will be sorted.

If a folder to which no pictures have been sorted is tapped, all pictures are displayed as thumbnails. Proceed to step 4.

If pictures have been sorted to the favorites folder, pictures in the selected favorites folder are displayed as thumbnails. Proceed to step 3.

Favorite pictures

More on Playback

3 Tap R.



All pictures are displayed as thumbnails.

Tap Eto return to the list of favorites folder.

4 Select the desired picture.

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Tap the desired picture to select (y). Remove


pictures from the selection by tapping them




If pictures already added to the favorites folder are removed from the selection, they will be removed from the favorites folder (A78).

Up to 200 pictures can be added to each favorites folder.

Tap Oto switch back to full-frame playback, and Bto switch to thumbnail display.


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Nikon COOLPIXS60RED Sorting Pictures to Favorites Folders, Tap the folder to which pictures will be sorted, Tap R