Shooting (P, S, A, M)

Shutter-release disabled:

Non-CPU lens is attached: rotate camera mode dial to M (0 65, 199).

Mode dial rotated to S after shutter speed of “Bulb” or “Time” selected in mode M: choose new shutter speed (0 63).

Full range of shutter speeds not available: Flash in use (0 53).

Colors are unnatural:

Adjust white balance to match light source (0 81).

Adjust Set Picture Control settings (0 91).

Can not measure white balance: Subject is too dark or too bright (0 85).

Image can not be selected as source for preset white balance: Image was not created with D5100 (0 87).

Effects of Picture Control differ from image to image: A (auto) is selected for sharpening, contrast, or saturation. For consistent results over a series of photos, choose another setting (0 93).

Metering can not be changed: Autoexposure lock is in effect (0 69).

Exposure compensation can not be used: Choose mode P, S, or A (0 61, 70).

Noise (reddish areas or other artifacts) appears in long time-exposures: Enable long-exposure noise reduction (0 154).
