DUsing Autofocus in Live View

Autofocus is slower in live view and the monitor may brighten or darken while the camera focuses. The camera may be unable to focus in the following situations:

The subject contains lines parallel to the long edge of the frame

The subject lacks contrast

The subject in the focus point contains areas of sharply contrasting brightness, or the subject is lit by spot lighting or by a neon sign or other light source that changes in brightness

Flicker or banding appears under fluorescent, mercury-vapor, sodium-vapor, or similar lighting

A cross (star) filter or other special filter is used

The subject appears smaller than the focus point

The subject is dominated by regular geometric patterns (e.g., blinds or a row of windows in a skyscraper)

The subject is moving

Note that the focus point may sometimes be displayed in green when the camera is unable to focus.

AManual Focus

To focus in manual focus mode (0 45), rotate the x lens focus ring until the subject is in focus.

To magnify the view in the monitor up to about 7.7 ×


for precise focus, press the Xbutton. While the view


through the lens is zoomed in, a navigation window


will appear in a gray frame at the bottom right corner


of the display. Use the multi selector to scroll to


areas of the frame not visible in the monitor


(available only if 7(Wide-area AF) or 8(Normal- Xbutton

Navigation window

area AF) is selected for AF-area mode), or press W


to zoom out.