c4: Remote on Duration

Gbutton ACustom Settings menu

Choose how long the camera will remain before cancelling the currently selected remote control release mode and restoring the previously selected release mode (0 37). Choose shorter times for longer battery life.

d: Shooting/Display

d1: Beep

Gbutton ACustom Settings menu

Choose the pitch (High or Low) of the beep that sounds when the camera focuses using single-servo AF (AF-Sor when single-servo AF is selected for AF-A; 0 39), when focus locks in live view, while the release timer is counting down in self-timer and delayed remote release modes (0 37), and when a photograph is taken in quick- response remote mode (0 37). Select Off to prevent the beep from sounding. Note that a beep will not sound in quiet-shutter release mode (mode J; 0 35).

The current setting is shown in the information display: 3is displayed when the beep is on, 2when it is off.

d2: ISO Display

Gbutton ACustom Settings menu

Select On to display ISO sensitivity in the viewfinder in place of the number of exposures remaining.