Updating Software
D.3 Updating Using the BBS
The Lantronix system uses high speed modems for the physical connection and allows Þle transfers using KERMIT, xmodem, ymodem, and zmodem. The modem phone number is (949)
Remember that the download Þles (MPS.SYS) and executable images are image data and should only be transferred in binary mode, otherwise the Þles will be corrupted.
SunOS UNIX (nexus) login: ets
Password: server (not echoed)
Last login: Mon Jun 5 13:21:13 from company.com
SunOS Release 4.1.3_U1 (NEXUS) #2: Fri Dec 2 10:08:39 PST 1997 Welcome to the Lantronix BBS. Type ‘h’ for help
userid (‘new’ for new user): new
Welcome, new user! Enter a userid,
Enter Passwd: platypus (not echoed)
Confirm Passwd: platypus (not echoed)
User Name: bob
Terminal type (default=vt100):
Email address, if any: bob@widgets.com
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