| |
| Table |
| |
| |
Command | Option(s) | Description |
| |
| |
| |
DEFINE PROTO | {ENDIS} | Enables or Disables the LAN Manager protocol for |
| |
LANMAN option |
| the Server. |
| |
| |
DEFINE PROTO LAT | {ENDIS} | Enables or Disables the LAT protocol for the |
| |
option |
| Server. |
| |
| LICENSE string | Enables LAT on |
| license string obtained from Lantronix. |
| |
DEFINE PROTO | {ENDIS} | Enables or Disables the NetWare (IPX) protocol for |
| |
NETWARE option |
| the Server. |
| |
| DSCONTEXT string | ConÞgures the NetWare Directory Services context |
| in which the Server is located. For more |
| information about NDS contexts, see your NDS |
| documentation. |
| DSLICENSE string | ConÞgures the NetWare Directory Services license |
| needed to enable NDS on your Server. Enter the |
| license string obtained from your dealer or |
| Lantronix. |
| DSTREE string | ConÞgures the NetWare Directory Services tree in |
| which the Server is located. For more information |
| about NDS trees, see your NDS documentation. |
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