1414 Communicate with text
You can use your phone to send and receive short text messages if your service provider offers the message feature and if you subscribe to the service. You can also send and receive messages that contain a person’s name and number (a “business card”).
Message recipients: The phone to which you send a text message must support text messages. Or, you can ask the service provider to convert the message to other formats, such as
Message length: The maximum length of a received text message is 160 characters. Your phone has space for up to 80 text messages, depending on the length of each message.
Network variations: The maximum length of a text message depends on the capabilities of the network from which the message originated. Also, text messages may appear different at different times because messages can originate in networks other than your own.
Contact your service provider for more information about text message services.
You can write a message two ways: using standard (ABC) text entry or using predictive text. Standard text entry is the default method for text entry. The ABC icon <ABC icon> appears as visual confirmation that you’re using this method.
1Find the key that shows the letter you want to enter.
2Press the key as many times as needed for the letter to appear on the
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