Automatic redial enables your phone to continue trying to call a number that was busy due to wireless network problems.
When you call a number and get a busy signal because of network problems, your phone redials this number up to <3?> times. If you want to stop this process prior to the last attempt, press [graphic]. This stops the automatic redialing.
Before you can use the Automatic Redial feature, you must activate it.
1Press Menu 4 > 2 > 1 (Settings > Call settings > Automatic redial).
2Scroll to On.
3Press OK.
You can use a calling card when you dial long distance calls. First you must store your calling card information in the phone. Your phone can store information for a maximum of four calling cards.
Save calling card information (step 1)
1Press Menu 4 > 2 > 2 (Settings > Call settings > Calling card).
2Scroll to card A, B, C, or D and press Options.
3Scroll to Edit and press OK.
The Security code field appears.
4Enter your security code and press OK. The Dialing sequence field appears.
5Press Select.
6Use [up] or [down] to scroll through the list of dialing sequences, as
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