If you have call waiting, your phone beeps during a call to let you know that someone else is calling you.
Depending on your caller ID setup, the phone might also display the number of the incoming call.
Note: Call waiting may not be available in all wireless systems.
Contact your service provider for details and availability.
Before you can use call waiting, you must contact your service provider to make sure this feature is available and turned on for your phone.
Then you must activate the call waiting feature.
Store the call waiting feature code
Activate call waiting
1Press Menu 4 > 8 > 1 (Settings > Call waiting> Activate).
2Press OK.
Your phone calls the network to confirm the feature code you entered. After the network confirms the feature code, call waiting is activated.
Call waiting works with both local and long distance calls.
•To answer an incoming call, press .
•To switch from one call to another, press .
•To end both calls, press .
Make a conference call
While in a call, you can call another number and “conference in” (add) a third party to the call.
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