8 Use voice mail | 8 |
Voice mail is a network services feature. Colleagues who miss you when they call can leave a voice message, which you can retrieve later.
•Your phone beeps when you receive a voice message. Also, the message New voice message appears on your phone’s screen, along with the [graphic] icon.
•If you have received more than one voice mail message, depending on your wireless network your phone may display the number of messages that you have received.
Note: To use voice mail, you need to learn the voice mail system’s various greetings, passwords, and prompts. Your service provider can provide instructions.
As part of your network’s voice mail feature, your service provider gives you a voice mailbox phone number. Save this number in your phone to make getting your voice messages quick and convenient.
1Press Menu x > x (Messages > Voice messages > Voice mailbox number).
2Enter your voice mailbox phone number.
3Press OK.
•Press Yes if you want to save a hidden voice mailbox password in your phone.
•Press No if you don’t.
4If you selected Yes, enter your security code.
5Press OK.
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