call, followed by a name or number, the message is a page. Only the 14 names of people who are stored in your phone book appear.
•New emergency message: Means that an emergency message or page was sent by someone via the service provider. Emergency messages are sent only in situations where life or property are in immediate danger. Emergency messages are listed first and override all other messages.
•Urgent: Means the message has a high priority.
1Press Read.
This takes you to the inbox, where the new message is selected.
2Press Read again to read the message.
3Press Options for a list of choices you have while reading the message (see the list following this section).
4Press OK when the option you want is highlighted.
In your inbox, text messages are shown in the order in which they were received, unless one is an emergency message. An emergency message overrides any other message and appears first.
Choose options for a message
When you press Options while reading a message, the following choices
are available.
Read next
Takes you to the next message.
Erases the current message.
Saves this message in the Saved folder.
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