Command reference
Used for connection to the fax server, faxmaster.
Parameters: |
Shows the program version and syntax. | |
Does not write information to the screen. | |
Logs on as specified user. The specified user can be an | |
| existing user or a fictitious user. In a mail coupling it |
| can for example be the sender’s mail address. |
The user cannot utilize the services of the fax system before he/she is connected to the fax host via faxlogon. When the maximum number of users in accordance with the licence agreement has been reached, faxlogon will deny any new users connection to the fax host.
14.1.6 faxmail
Syntax: faxmail
Script which is used on integration with mail software, e.g. sendmail. Faxmail is described in more detail in the chapter “XFAX connected to mail”.
14.1.7 faxmaster
Syntax: faxmaster
Parameters: |
Shows the program version and syntax. | |
Means that information on events during program run- | |
| ning are written to standard out. |
Shows the return codes from the various fax com- | |
| mands. |
Display more detailed debug information. |
This is the fax server which does all work on behalf of its clients and users. The fax host maintains fax queues, checks authority and licence information and reads data, control and statistic files. Faxmaster is normally started from one of the initiation scripts
Faxmaster must be restarted when the configuration file, ETCDIR/config, or the serializing file, ETCDIR/.serial, are modified.
14.1.8 faxmime
Syntax: faxmime
Used to extract information from a file on the MIME format. The result is writ- ten on stdout and consists partially of codes and partially of the file name with the extracted attachments. The following codes can occur:
XFAX - User’s Guide 4.3a | 37 |