XFAXand Ghostscript (sending PDF and Postscript)
XFAX- User’s Guide 4.3a 32
5. I theabove works out OK, you should now be able to fax Postscript and PDF
files.If you are using XFAX 4.2a or later faxsend directly supportsfiles with .ps
and .pdf suffixrespectively. Please note that faxsend requires the Ghostscript
executable,gs, to be in the PATHand properly configured.
# faxsend 12345 test.pdf
If you are using an earlierversion you need to do the conversion separately.
# gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=xfaxhigh -sOutputFile=test.fax
# faxsend 12345 test.fax
10.2 Troubleshooting
If you areexpebriencing problems there are two common mistakes to be men-
tioned here:
1)You should run "make -f src/unixansi.mak install"so that the files Ghostscript
needsis placed in the proper locations. Among other files gs looks for gs_init.ps
in /usr/local/share/ghostscript/7.00/lib.
2) Youneed the font files which are distributed in separatetar files. gs looks for
fonts in /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts.
The XFAXdriver for Ghostscript is provided "as is" without warranties and we
cannot guaranteesupport. However, we are helpful! Send your questions to sup-