4.5.6 Security (continued)
Telnet Console Access – If checked, Telnet to the iServer’s port 2002 is allowed. The default is checked.
The password for the Telnet Console Access is the same as the Administrator Password.
Web Server Access – If checked, a web browser can be used to connect to the iServer’s web server. If unchecked, access to the iServer’s web server will be blocked. The default is checked.
IP Exclusivity – This table contains all the IP Addresses for the network nodes that are allowed to communicate with the iServer.
If the table is empty then all the network nodes will be allowed to connect to the iServer. If enabled, all packets from IP Addresses that are not on this list will be ignored and thrown away. The default is Disable.
4.5.7 Device Query
This page allows you to send a command to a single serial device connected to the iServer and displays the response back from that serial device.
If the connection is RS485, the RS485 node number must be typed before the actual command. Example: *01 is the RS485 node number 1 and the X01 is the actual command requesting temperature value.
Refer to your device’s Serial Communication Manual for a list of Commands.
Figure 4.14 iServer DEVICE QUERY Page