Perform the following instructions to control a TV/VCR Combo:
1. Turn on the TV/VCR Combo and insert a video
NOTE:Please read steps 2 through 9 completely before pro-
ceeding.Highlight or write dow n the codes and device you
wish to program before starting step 2.
2. On the URC-8910 remote control,press and hold
SETuntil you see the display change from the cur-
rent device and time to [CODE SET].
NOTE:The device, its code,and time are examples.Your
remote control settings may be different.
NOTE:To exit programming at any time,press
once or
allow 30 seconds ofinactivity to lapse.You will see
as the remote control returns to normal operation.
means you have inadvertently pressed an
incorrect key.Note your error and continue programming.
3. Press SELECTonce to begin programming.You will
see the display change to the last-selected device
and its current code (e.g.,TV and 0051)
4. Press VCRonce.You will see the display change to
[VCR]and its current code.
5. Use the Setup Codes For TV/VCR Combos (on
page19 )to loc ate the type of device and brand
name.Then use the keypad to enter the first four-
digit code for your device and press SELECTonce.
For example,to enter the first Sony TV/VCR Combo
code on page 23,press 0four times and then
Ifthe code is entered correctly,you will see the
NOTE:If your TV/VCR Combo has a separate TV code,you
will also need to perform step 6.