The One For All A/V LCD 8-Device With Learning Universal Remote
Control (URC-8910)is our latest high-performance universal
remote control.It is designed to ope rate up to eight home entertain-
ment devices,including TV,video,and audio components.Moreover,
this remote control contains sophisticated technolog y that will allow
you to conveniently consolidate the clutter ofall of the original
remote controls used in your home entertainment system.It’s
packed with easy-to-use features such as:
Advanced Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with 15 alphanumeric
characters,real-time clock,and icons for constant visual feedback
ofoperations and programming sequences
A unique Home Theater mode that combines different device
controls under one mode for operating convenience
Three macro keys for instant activation offavorite key sequences
Four learning keys to capture unique functions from your
devices’origina l remote controls
Key Mover for copying keys f rom one device to another, or to a
different position in the same mode
Code Searchto help you program device codes without using the
code list (starting on page 14) or for brands or models not listed
Favorite Channel Scanfor easy channel surfi ng
Mode reassignment to control duplicate types ofdevices
Volu me Lo ck to assign volume controls to i ndividual devices or to
one global device
Commercial Skipfeature allows you to channel surfduring
commercial interruptions ofyour favorite programs
Pre-programmed database with the world’s largest and most
efficient group ofinfrared codes insures device compatibility
Internal modem for upgrading device codes over the telephone
A low battery icon to notify you when batteries are getting low
Backlighting feature to aid operation in low ambient light
The One For All A/V LCD 8-Device With Learning Universal Remote
Control (URC-8910) requires four (4) new AAA alkaline batteries
(not included) and easy programming to control your devices.For
best results,please read and perform all instructions listed here.
Also,keep these instructions for future reference.