AAlarm: 54
Answering calls: 32, 35 Answering system
Erasing messages: 59, 60, 62
Listening to messages: 58, 59, 61
Turning on/off: 57, 60, 62 Auto intercom: 67
Auto talk: 32
BBattery: 18, 20
Belt clip: 7, 74
Booster (Clarity booster): 33
CCaller ID edit: 44, 45
Caller ID number auto edit: 44
Caller ID service: 43
Caller list: 44, 45
Call privacy: 34
Call screening: 57, 64
Call share: 34, 37
Call Waiting: 33, 36
Call Waiting Caller ID: 43
Cellular phone: 38
Chain dial: 41
CID (Caller ID): 44
Conference calls: 34, 37, 67, 69
Connections: 17
Customer support: 105, 106
DDate and time: 27
Default gateway: 29
Deregistration: 75
DHCP: 28
Dialing mode: 27
Direct commands: 50, 51, 52, 53 Display
Contrast: 50
Language: 27 DNS: 29
EEmergency calls: 5
Error messages: 77
FFlash: 33, 36
Flash time: 55
GGreeting message: 58
HHandset LCD backlight: 32
Handset locator: 14, 69
Handset name: 54
Headset, optional: 8, 74
Hold: 32, 36
IIntercom: 67, 68
Internet calls: 31, 35, 38
Internet connection settings: 28
Interrupt tone: 50
IP address: 29
IP indicator: 22
Jjoip: 4
joip MSG alert: 73
joip number: 4, 30
joip service menu: 73
joip Terms of Use: 18
joip text message: 72
Joystick: 16
KKey tone: 50
LLandline calls: 31, 35
Line mode: 52
Line selection: 28
MMaking calls: 31, 35, 38
MEMO: 60
Memory capacity (message recording): 57
Message alert: 64, 66, 72
Missed calls: 43
Mute: 33, 36, 68, 69
My joip numbers: 30
NNetwork settings: 28, 29
PPause: 32, 42
Phonebook: 39
Phonebook copy: 41
Phonebook import: 71
Power failure: 19
Pulse service: 33, 37
RRecording time: 64
Redial list: 31
Registration: 75
Remote code: 63
Remote operation: 61
Reset button: 76
Ring color: 51
Ring count: 63