15. Use Browse to select the tone (.wav file) for a Good Scan. This tone is heard whenever a bar code is successfully scanned.

16. Tap Play to hear the tone.

17. Use Browse to select the tone (.wav file) for No Scan. This tone is heard whenever a bar code is unsuccessfully scanned.

18. Tap Play to hear the tone.

19. Tap OK to save all the settings and return to the Scanner Configuration screen.

E n a b l i n g S p e c i f i c B a r C o d e s

You must enable and disable each specific bar code type for scanning. Some bar codes require additional settings.

You can scan any of the following bar codes:



Code 39

Code 93

Code 128

D 2of5

I 2of5



Note: Some bar codes can be printed, but not scanned. See “Printable Bar Codes vs. Scannable Bar Codes” for more information.

Configuring the Scanner 5-5