S e t t i n g t h e S c a n n e r M o d e

To set the scanner mode without using the Scanner Configuration menu: 1. Tap the printer icon in the System Tray.

2. Set the Scanner Mode: Momentary, Continuous, or Compatible.

Momentary Continuous


The scanner is on as long as the trigger is pressed and goes off when the trigger is released.

The scanner is always on. A good scan causes the scanner to reset and continue scanning.

The scanner operates in Monarch® 6037compatible mode. The scanner is on as long as the trigger is pressed and goes off after a successful scan or a predetermined timeout period.

Note: A bad scan turns off the scanner and activates the tone (.wav file) set in Scanner Configuration.

S e t t i n g t h e T r i g g e r M o d e

To set the trigger mode without using Scanner Configuration:

1. Tap the printer icon in the System Tray.

2. Set the Trigger Mode: Scan, Drop, or Forward. The default is Forward.




Pressing the trigger activates the scanner.

The printer ignores the trigger press and does NOT activate the scanner.

The printer passes the trigger press to the application, which simulates pressing F11.

Using Scanner Diagnostics 6-3