A D M I N I S T R A T I V E T O O L S | 2 |
Use these tools to
♦lock the taskbar to restrict user access
♦identify and track your printers
♦send MPCLII packets directly to the printer.
U s i n g t h e T a s k b a r L o c k d o w n O p t i o n
The Taskbar Lockdown option prevents access to the Start Menu or any unspecified applications without a password. The system administrator selects which applications are accessible when the taskbar is locked.
Locking the Taskbar
1. From the Start Menu, tap Settings, Control Panel, Taskbar Lockdown.
2. Check Enable under the Basic tab.
3. Select the Startup Mode for the user or administrator.
To disable the clock display on the taskbar, uncheck the Enable Clock on User Bar.
4. Enter and confirm a password. The default password is 123321.
Note: Make a note of the password if you change it. You must have the current password to unlock the taskbar.
Administrative Tools