Configuring I 2of5 Bar Codes
1. To configure I 2of5 settings, tap I 2of5 from the Scanner Configuration screen.
2. Enable each bar code you need to scan.
I 2of5 Allows the scanner to scan I 2of5 bar codes.
Transmit Tells the scanner to return the
CD check digit with the data when an I 2of5 bar code is scanned.
Convert Tells the scanner to convert 14-
to character I 2of5 bar codes into an
EAN13 EAN13 bar code.
For the conversion to work, the following must occur:
♦I 2of5 bar codes must be enabled.
♦14 must be a valid length.
♦The data must have a leading zero.
♦The data must include an EAN13 check digit.
Verify Tells the scanner to check the integrity of a scanned I 2of5
CD bar code to ensure it complies with either USS or OPCC standards.
Lengths Sets the length(s) for I2 of
5bar codes.
Variable, specifies that I 2of5 bar codes can be any length.
Note: Specifying a range of lengths increases the likelihood of unsuccessful scans.
1 Fixed, specifies a single length for valid I 2of5 bar codes. The range for Length 1 is 2 – 99. The default is 14.
2 Fixed, specifies two lengths for valid I 2of5 bar codes. The range for Length 2 is 2 – 99. The default is 0.
3. Tap OK to save all the settings and return to the Scanner Configuration screen.