The following sections provide additional information about functions that can be performed from the Message Text Editing dialog box.
Showing Commands: You can display command transactions between the PC and the MDA by selecting the Show Commands checkbox in the Message Text Editing dialog box. The Command Data window displays the command sent to the MDA and the response sent from the MDA each time you click a command button in the Message Text Editing dialog box. The command transaction is displayed in hexadecimal format and in ASCII format.
Figure 34 provides a sample of a Command Data window. The message Hello World was sent from the PC to the MDA using the Send Row 1 command button.
Figure 34. Sample Command Data Window
Note the following:
¥The ASCII equivalent of hexadecimal data 00 to 1F and hexadecimal data 80 and beyond is represented as dots.
¥When the MDA acknowledges the command that was sent to it, the MDA responds by sending A2 as shown in Figure 34. If the MDA does not acknowledge the command that was sent to it, the MDA responds by sending AA.
For additional information about message text commands, refer to Appendix C in this manual.
Scrolling Message Text: If you have set message text on a selected unit and channel for a specified number of rows, the MDA allows you to scroll message text to allow a new message to be displayed.
To scroll message text, do the following:
1.In the Rows to Display formatting list box, specify the number of text rows that can be scrolled and displayed.
2.Send the formatting to the selected unit and channel(s) by clicking the Send Current Formatting button.
3.In the Scroll Text entry box, enter the desired message text and then click the Scroll Text button.
Message text scrolls as follows. Each row that is scrolled moves upward one row. As a result, the first row of message text is overwritten. The new message is displayed in the bottom row, which is determined by the number of rows specified in the Rows to Display formatting setting.
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