¥Optional command parameters depend on the function byte ([00] to [09]) and include the following:
Ð[Channel] = [00] to [15] in packed BCD format, which defines the channel number of the MDA unit
Ð[Row] = [01] to [05] in packed BCD format, which defines the row number in which message text is to be set or cleared
Ð[Message Text] = specifies the message text to be displayed:
¥1 to 24 characters for one line of message text
¥4 to 124 characters, where:
Minimum = 4 message separator bytes ([7F][7F][7F][7F]) and no message text
Maximum = 124 bytes: 5 messages containing 24 characters each (120 message bytes) plus 4 message separator bytes ([7F][7F][7F][7F])
Ð[Format] = [00] or [01], where:
[00]= displays message text below the title/time/date text
[01]= displays message text above the title/time/date text
Ð[High Message Time][Low Message Time] = Message time bytes that are transmitted and received in packed BCD format. The message time bytes define the number of seconds that the message text is to be displayed. The maximum display
¥Last two bytes of each command are as follows: [AF][Checksum]
Ð[AF] = signals end of the command
Ð[Checksum] =
58 | Pelco Manual |