Appendix E: Modbus Protocol
04 Second 1 0 to 59
06 Day 1 1 to 31
08 Month 1 1 to 12
0A Year 1 0 to 99
05 Reporting
00 Report time interval 4 0 to 199:59:59
04 Reports to send 1 0:None, 1:Status,
2:Datalog, 3:Both
06 Report start time 2 0 to 23h, 0 to 59m
08 Datalog Records 2 0 to 36810
06 Calling Periods
00 Day Start 1
02 Day End 1
04 Morning Periods 2
06 Afternoon Periods 2
08 Night Periods 2
07 Passwords
00 Programming 16 CR
10 Status Password 16 CR
20 Current Password 16 CR
08 thru 0F Unused
10 thru 2F Inputs (up to 128)