CPP Monitor 2000 User’s Manual
Below is a list of programming parameters for viewing the Event
event viewer form
Unit selection:Since the MANAGER 2000 software can contain Event Log
information for multiple CPP Monitor 2000 units, you must choose
which unit’s Event Log you wish to display. Look at the Event Log
Viewer form. In the window labeled “Available Units” is a list of all
CPP Monitor 2000 units currently recognized by your PC. Highlight
a unit by clicking on the unit name, and use the four add/remove
buttons (>,>>,<,<<) to select the desired unit(s) as follows:
‘add’ ([>]) - Adds the unit to the “Selected Units” list.
‘add all’ ([>>]) - Adds all units to the “Selected Units” list.
‘remove’ ([<]) - Removes the unit from the “Selected Units” list.
‘remove all’ ([<<]) - Removes all units from the “Selected Units”