CPP Monitor 2000 User’s Manual
Special Dialing Codes:Sometimes, when dialing out on certain phone systems, CPP Monitor
2000 may need special instructions to access an outside phone line,
to contact numeric pagers, or to use alphanumeric pager services.
The following dialing codes give CPP Monitor 2000 instructions on
how to send the phone digits when dialing the phone number. Each
code is counted as one digit toward the total of 32 digits. The
dialing codes are:
P = two-second pause. A two-second pause can be placed anywhere
within the phone number by typing the letter P (upper or lower
case). The pause takes up one digit and may be used more than
once. This is typically required when a pager service is answered by
a voice prompted message. You must add enough pauses to get past
the voice message. In this case you must enter the number you wish
to be displayed on your pager.
Example: 555-2233 PP 444-8877#
POUND (#) or ASTERISK (*): When dialing to a numeric pager, a
pound sign (#) or an asterisk (*) may be used within the phone
number. An asterisk (*) typically is displayed as a dash (-) on most
Example: 1 # 6105554591 PP 986033 #
W = wait for answer. This code instructs CPP Monitor 2000 to wait
until the call is answered before continuing. The “W” code takes up
one digit and may be used only once. The “W” code is typically
used in the middle of a dialout number when calling a numeric
pager. The CPP Monitor 2000 will wait for the pager company to
answer the call before sending the number to be displayed on the
pager. Note that the 2000 automatically waits for the call to be
answered after the last digit in the telephone number is dialed.
Example: 1-610-555-4593 W 610-558-2000
(pager company phone #) W (number to display on numeric pager)
Note that digits following “W” to numeric pagers will
automatically be dialed as touch-tones.
I= send alarm input #. This code instructs CPP Monitor 2000 to send
the input numbers that have an alarm to a numeric pager. The “I”
code takes up one digit and may be used only once in the phone
number. Note that this is only required if you must insert additional
dialing codes (such as pauses) to make your pager work.
Example: 555-2233 PP 444-8877 I