Chapter 4: Programming
Event types:
Select here the types of events to display: All Events or Alarms
Query Times:
Selects a range of event times to display. “Inc.All” will include all
event times in the CPP Monitor 2000, with a “To” date stretching
into the future. “To Now” resets the “To” time to the exact moment
you click on the button.
Displays the selected Event Log records.
Reset Event Logger:
Deletes all Event Log records from your PC’s database.
REPORTSCPP Monitor 2000 can send periodic reports to selected Fax or E-
mail destinations. Reports may include either the current status of
all inputs, stored Data Logger information, or both. You must be on-
line with the unit to program Report parameters. Once you are on-
line, choose “Programming” from the main menu, then select
“Reports.” You can also access the Reports programming from the
Toolbar button labeled Reports.
reports form