CPP Monitor 2000 User’s Manual
Clear Alarms:
The button marked “Clear Alarms” will, when pressed, clear all set
Note: To clear an individual alarm, double click on it
in the “State” column.
Configuration tab:The Configuration tab shows the name, type, high and low table
values, calibration setting, and label/units for all of the inputs.
Listed below is a description of the information found on the
Configuration tab of the Inputs form:
Input Type:
This can be one of eight types - Normally Open (N.O.), Normally
Closed (N.C.), 0-5V, 4-20mA, 2.8K thermistor, 10K thermistor,
Pulse count or Time Accumulator.
Table Low & Table High:
An important feature that CPP Monitor 2000 offers is the ability to
create a unique linear table for each 4-20mA or 0-5V analog input.
The Table Low & Table High fields are used to define the upper and
lower analog display limits for 4-20mA and 0-5V input types. For
example, suppose you’re using a 4-20mA transducer to measure the
depth of water in a 75 foot well. Simply enter a Table Low of 0, and