Types of Preferences and Preference Options 102
Deko500 User’s Guide
Home and End key behavior
Determines whether the Home and E nd keys behave as they
typically do in Windows applications, or as they do on a traditional
television character generator.
Home sends cursor to sends cursor to start
beginning of text field of ro w
Shift+Home selects text from selects text from
cursor to beginning cursor to beginning
of text field of row
Ctrl+Home sends cursor to sends cursor to
beginning of row beginning of text fiel d
End sends cursor to right sends cursor to end
of last character in of row
text field
Shift+End selects text from cursor selects text from
through last character cursor through end
in text field of row
Ctrl+End sends cursor to end sends cursor to right
of row of last character in
text field
Specifies whether to display (chec ke d) or hide (unchecked) the
following markers:
Safe title area (% from edge of screen)
Specifies the top, bottom, right and left of the safe title area.
Values represent a percentage of the distance from the specified
edge of the screen to the opposite edge.