StillDeko 144
Deko500 User’s Guide
The StillDeko option integrates Deko500 with Lightning, Pinnacle’s high
performance, network based, image storage and management system for on-air
broadcast and production. This means you can open and edit a Lightning image
in Deko, or store Deko files in a Lightning database.
Deko500 must be networked and the hard drive where your databases will reside
must be set up for file sharing, for StillDeko to work properly. If your Deko is
not networked or if you are unsure, check with your network administra tor.
To set up file sharing on the hard drive:
1. Exit Deko500, then at the bottom left corner of the desktop, click
Start, Programs, Windows Explorer.
2. Right-click the drive where you will store Lightning databases
(probably C:), then choose Sharing.
3. Under the Sharing tab, click the New Share button.
4. Type the drive designation letter, such as c, in the
Share Name text box, then click OK twice.
To install Lightning:
1. Connect the Lightning dongle to the parallel port on the back of
your Deko. If you have any other do ngle already connected,
connect the Lightning dongle to the back of the already connected
2. Insert the Lightning CD in your Deko’s CD drive.
3. In the bottom left corner of desktop, click Start, then Run.
4. Click the Browse button and navigate to the Setup.exe file on the
Lightning CD, then click OK.
5. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. During
the installation, you will be prompted to choose Lightning or
Lightning Browse. Choose Light ning Browse.
6. Once the installation is complete, you must shut down and re-start
your Deko. From the desktop, click Start, then Shut Down, and
select Restart.
7. From the desktop, click Start, Programs, Lightning Browse.
Lightning prompts you to enter the Options Enable password.
Refer to the Important Notice, included with your Deko
documentation, for the password (which is case sensitive). Enter
the password and click OK. This will activate your enabled
Lightning options and open the Lig htning Browser.