Saving, Deleting and Sharing Files 106
Deko500 User’s Guide
To open one of the four most recently opened files:Choose a file from the list near the bottom of the File menu.
To close the file in the active window:1. Save the file, if desired.
2. Do one of the following:
Double-click the control icon in the upper left corner of the active
From the File menu, choose Close (Ctrl+F4). This command is
different for each type of file. For example, if a Style window is
active, the command is Close Style.
To close all open files and exit Deko500:1. Save any files, if desired.
2. Do one of the following:
Double-click the control icon in the upper left corner of the
Deko500 application window.
From the File menu, choose Exit (Alt+F4).
To have Deko500 prompt to save modified files beforeclosing them:1. From the Options menu, choose Preferences.
2. In the Deko500 Preferences dialog box, choose Prompts.
3. Select “Prompt to save before closing,” then click OK or press Enter.
Deko500 always saves the file in the active window.
Deko500 automatically attaches the standard extension to the file name. For example,
a macro file named myfile is saved as myfile.mcr.
Standard extensions in Deko500 include:
Deko Graphic (.dko) Macro (.mcr)
Preset Styles (.pst) Sequence (.seq)
Preset Shader (.shd) Custom Typeface (.fac)
Style (.sty)
An asterisk (*) next to a file name on a window’s title bar indicates that the file has
been modified since it was last saved.
When you save a file under a new name, Deko500 prompts with the name of the most
recently saved file and appends a numeric suffix. Use up or down arrows to increment
or decrement this number.