Cutting, Pasting, Finding, Replacing, and Moving Text 32
Deko500 User’s Guide
To find text within a graphic:1. From the Edit menu, choose Find (Ctrl+F).
2. In the dialog box, type the text in the Find What text box.
3. If desired, check Match Case or Match Whole Word Only.
4. Choose Find Next (Ctrl+G) to find and select the next occurrence
of the text.
5. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
To find and replace text within a graphic:1. From the Edit menu, choose Replace (Ctrl+H).
2. In the dialog box, type original text in the Find What text box.
3. Type replacement text in the Replace With text box.
4. If desired, check Match Case or Match Whole Word Only.
5. Do one of the following:
Choose Find Next (Ctrl+G) to find and select the next
occurrence of original text. Then choose Replace to remove
and replace selected text, or Find Next to skip to the next
occurrence of original text.
To find and replace all occurrences of original text, choose
Replace All.
6. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
To move text using the keyboard:1. In the Options menu, choose Transform/Move (Ctrl+M).
2. In the Options menu, choose Transform and set increment of
change to Coarse or Fine (Ctrl+spacebar).
3. Select the text to move.
4. Hold down Alt and press arrow keys (↑↓→ ←
←) to move selected
text up, down, right or left.
To move text using the mouse:1. Select the text to move.
2. Click the move button in the Tools window.
3. Move the pointer near the dotted line surrounding selected text, so
that the pointer becomes the moving tool.