Glossary 196
Deko500 User’s Guide
preset. See Preset shaders
shadow, 51
types, 59
underline, 53, 54
Shader command, 162
Shader menu commands, 158–59
adding or removing, 50
blurring, 51
changing attributes of, 51
changing color of, 51
distance from detail, 52
hiding, 51
offset angle, 51
priority among other details, 52
shape, 52–53
type, 52
Shadow command, 159
Shortcut keys, 163–67
Show Background command, 75, 1 55
Show Key Output command, 19, 15 0
layer, 88
text, 26, 41
Slide, 89
Small caps, 26, 41
Smooth command, 150
Software settings
resetting, 99–100
Spacing characters, 27–29, 41
Windows NT, 9–10
WriteDeko, 10
Status Bar command, 162
Stop Macro Playback command, 115, 156
Stop Sequence Playback command, 98, 158
String operators, 124
assigning to preset button, 69
current. See Current style
picking up from graphic, 70
pre-rendered, 42
retrieving, 70–71
saving, 69
saving a pre-rendered, 71–72, 71–72
saving as pre-rendered, 72
saving preset, 71
Style command, 162
Style menu commands, 159–60
Subroutines, 128–29
Symmetric command, 150
System variables, 123
TTab Clear All command, 37, 160
Tab Clear command, 37, 160
Tab Set command, 37, 161
Tab stops, 37–38
changing the decimal tab character, 38
clearing selected, 37
clearing within a layer, 37
displaying or hiding, 38, 104
moving, 37
selecting, 37
setting, 37
Targa files
saving, 16
Technical Support
on Internet, 9
changing case of, 26–27
copying, 30–33
cutting and pasting, 30–33
deleting, 33
deleting all within a layer, 33
finding and replacing, 34
initialization, 78–79
justifying, 78
kerning, 27–29, 41
leading, 30, 41
moving, 34–35
rendering time limit, 105
rotating, 24–25, 24–25
scaling, 27–28, 78
selecting, 21
skewing, 26, 41
underlining, 24
Text Bar command, 163
Text case
changing, 26–27
small caps, 26
Text field
adding to graphic, 76
hiding, 77
justifying text within, 78
specifying properties of, 76–79
Text field box
changing, 24–27
defining, 77
displaying or hiding, 104
transforming, 77
Text to Field command, 76, 161
Text to Multiple Field command, 161
Text to Multiple Fields command, 76
Texture. See also Shader
alignment, 64
applying to a detail, 62–64
background, 75
file name, 63
group, 63
offset, 63
opacity, 63
Tiff files