Creating a Sequence 92
Deko500 User’s Guide
To automatically advance to the next event while
browsing for graphics to put into a sequence:
1. Activate the Sequence window (F11).
2. In the Sequence menu, select Auto Advance From Browser.
Note If the next event is empty, Deko500 duplicates the last event.
To select a single event:
Do one of the following:
Double-click the event number.
Use arrow keys (↑↓) to position the cursor on the event, then
hold Shift and press the down arrow ().
To select multiple events:
Do one of the following:
Drag the mouse across the event numbers.
Use arrow keys (↑↓) to position the cursor on the first or last
event you wish to select, then hold Shift and press an arrow
key (↑↓) to highlight the events.
To select all events from the current to the first event:
Do one of the following:
Press Shift+Home.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Home.
Note Which keys you press depends on how you have “Home and
End key behavior” set in Options/Preferences/Cursor.
To select all events from the current to the last event:
Do one of the following:
Press Shift+End.
Press Ctrl+Shift+End.
Note Which keys you press depends on how you have “Home and
End key behavior” set in Options/Preferences/Cursor.