Glossary 181
Deko500 User’s Guide
Program window
The Program window shows the current on-air graphic. The
contents of this window match Deko500’s video output, with the
addition of a cursor, safe-title lines and other markers.
ramp shader
A ramp shader, or color gradient, is a type of Deko500 shader,
used to apply color to a detail. You specify the colors at the four
corners of the detail, and Deko500 creates the ramp by
interpolating those colors across the interior of the detail. Ramp
shaders have an optional highlight color, which produces a line
across the ramp.
real parameter
A real parameter specifies any numeric value, whole or fractional,
e.g. 3, 9, 7, -0.9, etc.
Very large or small real values can be expressed in exponent form.
accepts a real number value. For example, 2.5e-10.
An example of a real parameter is the input parameter of the sqrt
(square root) command:
sqrt input=
repeating parameter
A repeating parameter accepts a list of values, which may or may
not be of the same type.
required parameter
A required parameter has no defau l t value. Your command must
specify a value for the parameter.
Deko500 specifies resolution in screen units, which are user-
definable in Options/Preferences/Advanced/Resolution. The
default value for screen units is 486 in NTSC and 576 in PAL.
restore button
The restore button appears on the right side of a window’s title bar.
Clicking this button restores the window to its size before it was
minimized or maximized.
To right-click, position the selection cursor over the item on the
screen and tap the right mouse button once.
safe title area
The safe title area is the area of the screen considered safe for
graphics. Anything outside this area may be clipped by an
overscanning monitor.