Working With Styles 70
Deko500 User’s Guide
To save the current style as a pre-rendered style:1. Activate the Style window (F6).
2. From the File menu choose Render and Save Style.
3. In the dialog box, navigate to the drive and directory where you
will store the file.
4. Type a file name in the File Name text box, then click OK or press
Notes When saving a pre-rendered style, Deko500 renders each
character in the style’s font using the style’s look. For
complicated styles, this can take several minutes.
A pre-rendered style file occupies more disk space than a
normal style file. However, when you type pre-rendered
characters, they appear on screen more quickly than
characters that must be rendered “on the fly” as they are
Pre-rendered styles are indicated at the bottom of the
Style/Font window by a check next to Pre-rendered Style, and
in the Preset Style window by an (R) in front of the typeface