Glossary 192
Deko500 User’s Guide
text, 89–90
transitional, 89–90
Ellipse. See also Layer
adding to graphic, 79
defining box of, 80
hiding, 81
specifying properties of, 80–81
transforming, 80
Else command, 126–27
Elseif command, 126–27
End command, 126–28
End key, 104
copying, 95
cutting and pasting, 95
deleting, 95
inserting, 95
specifying, 90–95
specifying starting, 96
Exchange Down command, 160
Exchange Up command, 160
Exit command, 11, 108, 153
WriteDeko, 11
Expressions, 125
Eyedropper, 66
adding or removing, 46
blurring, 47
changing attributes of, 47
changing color of, 46, 47
hiding, 47
priority among other details, 47
Face command, 158
Factory Defaults command, 100, 156
Fast Action Keyboard option, 134–42
File 1,2,3,4 command, 153
File menu commands, 153–54
closing, 108
graphic, 13
missing, 101
opening, 107
prompting to save, 82
saving, 108–9, 91
sharing, 109
Find command, 34, 152
Find Event Closest to Timecode command, 135, 161
Find Next command, 152
Fine command, 103, 156
as part of style, 40, 111
changing attributes of current, 40
copying, 42, 69
displaying Style/Font window, 40
installing TrueType and Postscript, 42
size, 27–28, 41
width, 41
For command, 128
Four Field Grab command, 150
adding or removing, 55
blurring, 56
changing attributes of, 56
changing color of, 56
descender characters, 57
grabbing, 20
height, 56
hiding, 56
offset, 57
priority among other details, 57
shape, 56
spaces between words, 57
width, 56
Frame command, 158
Frame Grab command, 150
Frame Grabbing
suppressing motion during, 20
Frame Shader command, 158
Free command, 123
Freeze Windows command, 68, 163
user interface, 111
Global command, 123
GPI Settings command, 157
Grabbing frames, 20
appending to another graphic, 83
background. See Background
browsing for, 62, 93
clearing background from, 82
clearing layers from, 81
converting from different standard or format, 102
converting into Macro, 117
creating a, 14
files, 13
layers of, 73
missing, 101
Program, 13
rendering time limit, 105
saving a, 14
using as a texture, 62
Graphics Factory
exporting Halo images to WriteDeko, 19
Hardware settings