10 Introduction
FXDeko User’s Guide
HOW TO USE THIS MANUALThe FXDeko User’s Guide is a reference manual that describes the operation of
FXDeko. The User’s Guide is derived largely from FXDeko’s on-line Help
screens—you’ll find pretty much the same information in both places.
One difference between this manual and the on-line Help is how we define new
terms and keywords. In the on-line Help, new terms appear in green—you click
on a term with the mouse to see its definition. In the User’s Guide, there is no
green and no mouse. Please refer to the Glossary for definitions.
You need not read the User’s Guide cover to cover. Most chapters are arranged
as a series of step-by-step “To do” instructions, such as “To add an edge” or
“To rotate selected text.” A good approach is to read through the Table of
Contents to get an idea of FXDeko’s capabilities, then refer to specific sections
as necessary.
We strongly suggest, however, that you read the chapter, An Overview of
FXDeko. It provides an overall description of FXDeko’s user interface and
operating philosophy.
OTHER DOCUMENTSHardware issues, including installation and setup of FXDeko, are covered
separately, in the comprehensive FXDeko Installation Guide.
Also included with your FXDeko is a Quick Install Guide that will have you up
and running in no time.
Use the Deko Tutorial to quickly learn how to use the exciting features FXDeko
We’ve provided comprehensive documentation on Automation as well as a
Macro Command Reference on CD.
Be sure to read the Release Notes for information that may not be available in
your printed documentation.
If you’re familiar with other Windows applications like Word or WordPerfect, we
think you’ll find using FXDeko easy and natural. If you know Windows, but not
Windows NT, you have nothing to worry about—their operation is almost
If you’re new to Windows, we suggest that you pick up a book on the subject to
familiarize yourself with the basic Windows concepts. For the most part, this
User’s Guide assumes a working knowledge of Windows.