Saving and Copying/Pasting Styles 83
FXDeko User’s Guide
To save the current style as a pre-rendered style:1. Activate the Style window (F6).
2. From the File menu choose Render and Save Style, then navigate to
the drive and directory where you will store the file.
3. Type a file name in the File Name text box, then click OK or press
Notes When saving a pre-rendered style, FXDeko renders each
character in the style’s font using the style’s look. For
complicated styles, this can take several minutes.
A pre-rendered style file occupies more disk space than a
normal style file. However, when you type pre-rendered
characters, they appear more quickly than characters that
must be rendered “on the fly” as they are typed.
Pre-rendered styles are indicated at the bottom of the
Style/Font window by a check next to Pre-rendered Style, and
in the Preset Style window by an (R) in front of the typeface