Index 237
FXDeko User’s Guide
prompts, 125–26
resetting, 124
specifying, 123–28
Preset menus commands, 193–94
Preset shaders
applying to detail, 74
assigning current shader to, 74
saving, 74
using, 73
Preset style. See Style
Preview, 15
Program, 15
Prompts, 90, 125–26, 131
Push, 98
RRamp. See also Shader
applying to detail, 66
background, 82
group, 66
highlighting, 66, 67
opacity, 66
scaling, 66
Reading files. See Opening files
Recording files. See Saving files
Rectangle. See also Layer
adding to graphic, 85
defining box of, 87
hiding, 87
specifying properties of, 86–88
transforming, 87
Resetting to factory defaults
FXDeko, 124
specifying, 128
Return command, 156
Returns, 152
Reveal, 99
Roll, 99, 104–8
layer, 95
text, 27, 47
Row spacing, 32–33, 47
SSafe title area
defining, 128
displaying or hiding, 128
a graphic, 16
a macro, 143–44
a pre-rendered style, 48
a sequence, 101
a style, 75–76
as pre-rendered style, 78–79
files, 131–32
preset shaders, 64, 74
prompt before, 90, 125
layer, 95–96
ramp, 66
text, 29–30, 85, 88
Screen units, 47, 84, 87, 127, 128
defined, 221
details, 51
events, 102–3
layer, 89
tab stop, 39
text, 23
typeface, 24–25
appending to another sequence, 102
creating, 99–121
effects available for, 98–99
pausing, 119
playing, 119
resuming paused, 120
saving, 101
specifying events of, 99–121
starting event of, 119
stopping, 121
Sequence menu commands, 194–95
Shader. See also Color, Ramp, Texture
activating, 65
background, 65, 82
edge, 54
face, 52, 53
frame, 60, 61
preset. See Preset shaders
shadow, 56, 57
types, 64
underline, 58, 59
Shader menu commands, 195–96
adding or removing, 56
blurring, 57
changing attributes of, 56
changing color of, 56, 57
distance from detail, 57
hiding, 57
offset angle, 57
priority among other details, 57
shape, 57–58
type, 57
Shortcut keys, 201–5
layer, 96–97