Specifying a Look 55
FXDeko User’s Guide
Adds a new detail to the current look. A pop-up menu lets you
choose which kind of detail to add. The new detail is added after
the selected detail.
Deletes the selected detail.
To add or remove a face:
1. Select the text to change. If no text is selected, a face is added to or
removed from the current style.
2. Click the face button on the text bar to toggle the face on or off.
To change the color of a face:
1. Select the text to change. If no text is selected, FXDeko applies
changes to the current style.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the shader button next to the face button on the text bar
(only for the first face of a look).
Open the Style window (F6), select Look (Alt+L) at the top of
the Style window, click on the appropriate face detail, then
click the Shader button.
3. In the Shader window, choose Color, Ramp, Texture, keyhole, or
CAP. Specify shader options as desired.
To change other attributes of a face:
1. Select the text to change. If no text is selected, FXDeko applies
changes to the current style.
2. Activate the Style window.
3. Choose Look (Alt+L) at the top of the Style window.
4. In the Details list, choose the face. FXDeko displays face attributes
in the lower half of the Style window.