48 Composing Text
FXDeko User’s Guide
To change the type of a point on the baseline:1. In the Baseline menu, check Edit Curve.
2. Click the point to select it.
3. In the Baseline menu, do one of the following:
• Check Move To, for a point that begins a new section of the
• Check Line To, for a point connected to the previous point by
a straight line.
• Check Bezier, for a point connected to the previous point by a
Bezier curve.
To adjust the continuity between two Bezier curves:1. In the Baseline menu, check Edit Curve.
2. Click the point shared by the two curves.
3. In the Baseline menu, do one of the following:
• Check Cusp for no continuity. The control points on either
side of the shared point move independently.
• Check Smooth for C1 continuity.
• Check Symmetric for C2 continuity.
To cancel changes to a baseline:Do one of the following:
• To cancel all changes and exit the Baseline Edit window,
choose Cancel from the Baseline menu.
• If Undo is enabled, you can choose Undo (Ctrl+Z) from the
Edit menu, for each change you wish to undo.