236 Index
FXDeko User’s Guide
scaling, 95–96
selecting, 89
skewing, 96–97
specifying properties of, 83–85, 86–88
desktop, 122–23
initial, 125
keyboard, 25
preconfigured, 122–23
Leading, 32–33, 47
Lightning, 133–37
Local variables, 149
as part of style, 51
copying, 63
details. See also Face, Edge, Shadow, Underline,
adding, 52
copying, 62
cutting and pasting, 62
deleting, 52
list of, 51
displaying Style/Look window, 51
specifying, 51–63
Loops, 154–55
conditional, 155
appending to another macro, 139, 144
canceling, 142
converting graphic into, 144
editing, 143
invoking, 138
pausing, 141, 142
playing, 141
recording, 144
resuming paused, 142
saving, 143–44
single-stepping, 142
use-d as subroutine, 155–56
viewing, 140, 144
Macro menu commands, 191–92
Macro recorder, 138
Macro Recorder
Using, 140
Macro window
working in, 139
Macro Window, 138
creating, 108–18, 115–18, 183
suppressing, 21–22
Motion menu commands, 192
layer, 93–94
tab stops, 39
text, 38–40
OObjects, 156–57
accessing elements of, 151, 156–57
creating, 157
ODBC, 164
Opening files, 130
Opening Files
under different aspect ratio, 80
Operators, 152
arithmetic, 150
assignment, 152
bitwise, 151
comparison, 150
index, 151
order of application of, 152
string, 150
Aston Import, 160
Automation, 159–62
database connection, 164
ClipDeko, 169–75
Fast Action Keyboard, 162–79
place pop, 181, 182
style pop, 181
text pop, 181, 182
Timeline, 115–18, 183
Options menu commands, 192–93
PParameters, 146
categories of, 145–48
choice, 147
integer, 147
keywords of, 145–46
list, 148
object, 147
positional order of, 145–46
real, 146
string, 147
switch, 147
Pasting. See Cutting and pasting
Pinnacle Systems
how to contact. See Technical Support
advanced, 128
common, 124–25
cursor, 126–27
marker, 127–28