Index 235
FXDeko User’s Guide
sharing, 132
as part of style, 46, 138
browser, 47
changing attributes of current, 46
copying, 48, 76
creating custom typeface, 48–50
displaying Style/Font window, 46
installing TrueType and Postscript, 48
size, 29–30, 47
specifying, 46–50
width, 47
For command, 155
adding or removing, 60
blurring, 61
changing attributes of, 61
changing color of, 60, 61
descender characters, 61
grabbing, 21
height, 61
hiding, 61
offset, 61
priority among other details, 61
shape, 61
spaces between words, 61
width, 61
Frame Grabbing
suppressing motion during, 21–22
GGrabbing frames, 21
appending to another graphic, 92
background. See Background
browsing for, 67, 102
clearing background from, 90
clearing layers from, 90
converting from different standard or format, 126
converting into Macro, 144
creating a, 16
files, 14
layers of, 80
missing, 125
preview, 15
program, 15
rendering time limit, 128
saving a, 16
using as a texture, 67
Graphics Factory
importing Halo images, 20
HHardware settings
resetting, 124
Home key, 127
Hot Keys. See Shortcut keys
IIf command, 155
Index operators, 151
a detail
edge, 53
face, 52
frame, 60
shadow, 56
underline, 58
a layer
ellipse, 86
rectangle, 85
text, 83
a text field, 83
an event, 104
character sets, 25
applying or removing, 26
version of current typeface, 47
KKerning, 29–31, 47
Home and End key preferences, 127
language, 25
using built-in, 20
Keyhole layer, 88
Keywords, 145–46
LLayer. See also Text field, Rectangle, Ellipse
keyhole, 88
Layer menu commands, 190–91
about, 80
adding to graphic, 83, 85, 86
clearing from graphic, 90
copying, 91
cutting and pasting, 91
deleting, 91
moving, 93–94
position, 93–94
rotating, 95